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Senator Rand Paul Finds Iron Dome Impressive

January 16, 2013 "I saw presentations of the Iron Dome and it was very impressive", Paul said in the conference call, according to Buzzfeed, and Ezra Friedlander, who shared with us parts of his conversation with the Senator. - on BIBIFEED
Senator Rand Paul Supports Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
Senator Rand Paul, fresh off from a visit to the holy land, told reporters that the United States should have it's own version of Israel's Iron Dome to protect its capital and homeland.

"I saw presentations of the Iron Dome and it was very impressive," Paul said in the conference call, according to Buzzfeed, and Ezra Friedlander, CEO of the Friedlander Group, who shared with us parts of his conversation with the Senator.

During the conference call, Paul criticized President Obama's reported private assertions that "Israel doesn't know what its own best interests are."

"That's an arrogant and presumptuous point of view and really does not further any kind of progress," Paul said. "We can't tell Israel or others how to behave. No one can really know as much as those who live in that region. To dictate to the mayor of Jerusalem where to build is ridiculous," Paul added

While Paul acknowledged there's some point to the World criticism of Israel building in the E. Jerusalem, as a sensitive issue of not creating too much unrest, overall he is inclined to support Israel's right to claim Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
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Thursday, January 17, 2013
Ezra Friedlander asks Senator Rand Paul on Iron Dome
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Paying tribute to the United States Congress and the Obama Administration for its support of the Iron Dome Anti-Missile Defense Program
Funding for the production and deployment of Iron Dome batteries and interceptor missiles was approved by the United States Congress, after being requested by President Obama in 2010.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Paying tribute to the United States Congress and the Obama Administration for its support of the Iron Dome Anti-Missile Defense Program
Funding for the production and deployment of Iron Dome batteries and interceptor missiles was approved by the United States Congress, after being requested by President Obama in 2010.
Funding for the production and deployment of Iron Dome batteries and interceptor missiles was approved by the United States Congress, after being requested by President Obama in 2010.
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Funding for the production and deployment of Iron Dome batteries and interceptor missiles was approved by the United States Congress, after being requested by President Obama in 2010.
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Published on: March 1, 2013
By: Sandy Eller
The Iron Dome is an effective and innovative mobile defense solution for countering short range rockets and artillery shell threats with ranges of up to 70km, in all weather conditions.
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