This historic event brought together Sephardic leaders by Yehuda Azoulay founder of the Sephardic Legacy Series an Institute for preserving Sephardic Heritage and was coordinated by The Friedlander Group. Yehuda Azoulay was the initiator for this momentous occasion bringing 25 cities, and over 30 Sephardic Organizations. All backgrounds of Sephardic Jews were in attendance from across the spectrum and it was united gathering for the first time in the US Capitol. As the young innovator concluded in his speech and stated; “the idea is to unite a Sephardic voice for the benefit and future of Sephardic Jewry.” Yehuda Azoulay’s Sephardic institute aspires to become the future home of publications, networking, lecture series, articles, documentary films, and other programs for Sephardic communities around the world. To that end, it seeks to pool intellectual resources by building a network of accomplished Sephardic scholars and educators to produce a corpus of quality literature covering a spectrum of topics relevant to Sephardic Jewry.
The first Jews to arrive to the United States of America were Sephardim, Jews of Spanish and Portuguese descent, many of whom made their journey in order to escape forced conversion in their native lands around 1550.
By 1776 and the War of Independence, around 2,000 Jews lived in America, most of them Sephardic of Spanish and Portuguese origin. They played a significant role in the struggle for independence, including fighting the British (with Francis Salvador being the first Jew to die in the war), and playing a key role in financing the revolution, the most important of the financiers being Haym Solomon.
A veritable array of Members of Congress joined the participants to show a bi-partisan support of the legacy and contribution of Sephardic Jewry.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah applauded the Sephardic Jewish Community who contributed to the nation from the very onset of the Republic.
Producing an event entails much more than just ordering food and inviting the guests.
The Sephardic Legacy Series Institute was founded by Yehuda Azoulay in 2007 for the purpose of educating and inspiring Sephardic Jews through knowledge about their heritage.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Paying tribute to the United States Congress and the Obama Administration for its support of the Iron Dome Anti-Missile Defense Program
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Community leaders and elected officials came together to celebrate the partnership between the Bikur Cholim Chesed Organization and Investors Bank. The celebration attracted prominent elected officials.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Congressional Tribute to talents and contributions of the American Jewish Community to the American society
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
This year, the breakfast honored members of the City Council as well as State Legislature, for their outstanding work in the autism community.
Monday, November 04, 2013
Professional Activism and Political Savy Highlight Agudath Israel's 4th Annual Pre-Election Legislative Breakfast
Sunday, November 03, 2013
The Friedlander Group
One Seaport Plaza - 199 Water Street - 27th FloorNew York, NY 10038 t. (212) 233-5555 f. (212) 233-5556 |